Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Love Flows...

Love is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It has the ability to transform any pain or suffering back into wholeness and love. It is the very energy that sustains and binds all and is found everywhere within the Universe.

We all want to be loved by this great force and to allow it to work its magic in our lives. The problem is that we are conditioned to believe that we are separate from love and we need to seek it outside of ourselves to be whole. But the very opposite is true; love is our Source and it nourishes us by flowing through us, not to us. We’ve all heard the saying that we cannot truly love another until we love ourselves and this is an example of why.

If you have a need to receive love from another in order to feel love within, than you will be left feeling disappointed, let down and deeply unhappy. Our emotional love tanks will run dry because the very ‘need’ is the energetic block to giving and receiving love. Then any built up resentments can start to fester and eventually destroy connections between people. The end result is that the ego consciousness strengthens its stand that we are alone, separated, and unlovable. Although the intention may be good (to receive love) the ‘need’ for love creates the illusion that we are separate and alone leaving us feeling disconnected.

Feel the difference for yourself when you unconditionally (and without expectations) give love to another instead of being concerned about receiving love back. The very act of giving love ensures that you WILL be loved! For love HAS to flow through you to be passed on to another. So in the process of giving love you will be filled up with it from the inside out. If practiced daily, you will never ‘need’ for love again.

This is why when we first fall in love it is so magical. In the beginning, it is much easier to give love freely when we have not yet been hurt, disappointed or let down by another. When unconditionally giving, love energy flows through us and raises our energy vibrations to such a level that we are left feeling high as a kite. But then, under the spell of the ego, we may eventually start to fall asleep and that’s when things can fall apart. The ego will seek confirmation that we are separate and pull us away from our Source. Then what was once an expression of love will turn into a power struggle for energy.

Conscious awareness can free us from this painful pattern. This means we are able to witness what is unfolding while at the same time remaining connected to our Source. It is a level of awareness that fosters growth, expansion and deep love. But it demands of us to take full responsible for our own words, actions, & intentions and to shift from a place of being ‘reactive’ in life to being responsive.

It takes a highly conscious individual however to remain connected to Source through the difficult and challenging times in life. It is so much easier to stay connected when we feel good and things are flowing effortlessly. But if we can master the art of staying awake in spite of any discomfort we may be feeling, then we can remain connected to our Source no matter what is unfolding around us.

Highly conscious individuals see the opportunity for growth in any life experience that may presents itself. They recognize that we are never victims in life and instead are powerful beings here to experience growth and expansion everyday. But the minute we require or need something outside of ourselves we step out of the flow of love by dropping our energy frequencies and disconnecting from our Source.

So practice everyday giving love unconditionally and see what unfolds in your life. Set intentions to allow this loving force to move through you as an expression of who you really are as you interact in the world. You can even ask for the Universe to nudge you the second you split out from your Source so that you can consciously pull yourself back in. Little by little, this will become such a natural way of being that as soon as you disconnect from Source you will have instant awareness of the fact.

Life is good and life is supposed to feel good for ALL of us. And the power to have this experience starts within! So stay connected to your Source and give freely of your love and you will see evidence of this in your everyday life.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The ‘Fight or Flight’ Response

Energetically the mind can be divided into the lower mind and the higher mind. The lower mind is our earthly, physical mind that processes everyday cognition and mental abilities. The higher mind houses our intuition and is related to our spiritual energies, connection and higher wisdom.

During the early developmental stages of humanity the reptilian mind was formed. It is strongly connected to our physical survival and the survival of our species. This part of the brain governs our ‘fight or flight’ response and catapults us into survival mode when activated.

The primary emotion that invokes the ‘fight or flight’ reaction is fear and the physiological response is to ‘fight’ or ‘run.’ In prehistoric times, the response was activated to flee from any potentially life threatening situations. Today, the response is still activated but may also include emotionally running (such as social withdrawal, substance abuse, or playing video games.) In either case, once activated the body will be flooded with energy and adrenalin to support the bodymind in moving away from any perceived danger or discomfort.

The higher mind on the other hand houses our calmer, gentler energies and is connected to our intuitive processes & universal wisdom. The primary emotions linked to this energetic level are that of peace, joy, happiness and love. Quiet, meditative states are just one way you can open up and access this inner tranquility & the wisdom held within.

Like anything, the more we activate and listen to our intuition, the stronger it becomes. This process is called self-realization or the Awakening (enlightenment) process. And as we strengthen our relationship with our intuition, other portions of the brain begin to strengthen as well. New neurological pathways are actually created to increase and open up our consciousness to these higher levels of awareness.

When we are in balance we can access great power by taking information in through our lower mind and then ‘feeling’ it against our intuition. All information is meant to be streamed through our consciousness via the lower mind and then relayed back to our intuitive processes to yield complete knowledge. When we can do this, the fear-activated ‘fight or flight’ response will remain inactive.

Unfortunately many people on the planet live in a heightened state of survival every day. When this is occurring we are restricted in our access to universal wisdom and guidance through the higher mind. The lower mind and ‘ego self’ may then get trapped in fear which blocks the flow to universal support, increased insights and awareness. The end result is a vicious recycling of fear keeping the ‘fight or flight’ response in active mode.

The key to maintaining balance is to watch what you are doing with your thoughts. Any time your mind creates fear you’ve just disconnected from great resources and activated the ‘fight or flight’ response. But if you can catch yourself as soon as you feel the fear, you can reverse the process. It’s as simple as redirecting the mind until you find thoughts that make you feel better and bring you more peace. As a result you will be able to disengage from the ‘flight or fight’ response and move towards greater expansion and balance once again.

So make it your mission every day to become more conscious by caring about what you think. Because every thought you have holds the potential to yield great power or great fear. The choice is up to you!

Warmest Regards,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Health on TV

I find it interesting how we have so many television shows that focus on illness. Just to name a few, there is ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘ER,’ ‘Mental,' etc. It’s almost like we as a society glorify illness. And not too surprisingly, in spite of huge medical advances & amazing technology, the percentage of illness is rising not falling here in the West. Just thoughts to ponder…

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Strong Willed Children!

Willpower and fears co-exist and our kidneys are responsible for keeping these two opposing energies in balance. The kidneys are housed in the low back and provide us with vital life force energy. Part of the kidney meridian runs from the kidneys up through the core of the body and ends in the inner ear. A division also runs from the kidneys down the leg, wraps around the knee and ends in the foot.

A classic example of the relationship between willpower and fears can be seen in a small child. A child who is learning how to assert their own power may lock their knees in defiance when being asked to do something opposing to their own desires. In this scenario, the child is learning to assert their willpower in the only way they know how. And since the kidney meridian wraps around the knees, it is no coincidence that the knees are the joints involved during willpower versus fear expression. Fascinating!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Power of Emotions!

When an emotional charge is connected to a particular event, we are more likely to absorb the energy of the experience into our system. Our chakras & energy systems act as memory banks that “…code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies.” (David Feinstein, PhD.) Once imprinted, these energies stay with us until they are freed from our bodymind.

For example, when we experience a fearful event an energetic reaction ripples throughout the body system. Fears are considered cold producing emotions that lower our energy frequencies. Since the energies lower, they can cause imbalances in the lower chakras and their associated structures. In this particular example, the bladder and kidneys may be affected. From an eastern healing perspective, the kidneys are considered our internal heating system and are analogous to a furnace. Physically we may sense this energy imbalance as cold feet and a drop in body temperature. To compensate, the kidneys may increase frequency of urination to rid the body of the lower energies (fear).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Joy Creates Harmony!

Did you know that with every beat of your heart energy pulsations ripple throughout your body like radio waves? With each heart beat information is pumped to every cell in your body about the level of harmony or disharmony you are currently experiencing.

Our natural state is harmony. Joy creates harmony and harmony neutralizes all excess. Thus the heart is very powerful in maintaining health and balance by regulating excess within our bodymind. So by simply allowing yourself to find Joy within everything you see, feel and experience you hold the power to shift any disharmony back to your natural state of harmony.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Shining the Light of Goodness!

We’ve all heard the saying that some people can bring out the worst or the best in us, depending on who they are. As well, what might initially be character traits that attract us to an individual can soon turn into what annoys us most about them!

This happens because in the beginning it is easy to shine the light of goodness on someone when we have no disappointments or judgments. But over time, through broken expectations & numerous disappointments we start to shine the light of judgment upon them instead. The end result is that we loose the feeling of being uplifted when we think about that individual.

Shining the light of goodness for others is easily demonstrated with children. For some reason, it is more natural to hold children in the light of innocence. This is why, as parents, children can seem to do no wrong and they are able to hold their children in the highest of esteem. In some cases, a parent continues to hold this light for their children in spite of them maturing into an adult.

But why can’t we hold this same space for others? Why is it so incredibly hard to shine that same light on everyone in our lives?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Power of Mistakes

When I was a young child I learned about the power of making mistakes first hand. In my elementary school, grade 2 was a pivotal year for assessing reading skills. Any child that did not pass the set requirements would be held back another year. Unfortunately my home environment was not conducive to learning or reading. As a result I did not succeed in passing my assessment test which resulted in me failing grade 2.

I remember that day like it was yesterday; my father came into my room to tell me that I had failed which meant I would not be able to move forward with the rest of my classmates. I started to cry. I felt like I had let my father down and that I was the biggest failure of all. I felt so alone and somehow deficient.

I hated that feeling and I wanted to change it any way that I could. I desperately wanted to make my father proud by proving to him that I could be smart. So that summer I spent my days teaching myself how to read more proficiently; I opened up a library account and signed out as many books as I could. I read and read until I could read no more. The more I read the more I loved it and before I knew it I started to feel ‘smart’ again.

When I returned to grade 2 my teachers were astounded at how well I could read. They contacted my parents and offered to move me forward into grade 3 with the rest of my classmates. But my parents declined and said it would be too confusing for me and to just keep me where I was at.

I am so grateful that they did because from that day on I became an honor roll student in everything I studied. I went on to excel not only in grade school but also in my post secondary studies. I learned to become a practical learner and as such I needed to be okay with making mistakes. There was no room for perfectionism because the very act of making mistakes was where I found my success.

So you see by failing grade 2 I learned how to turn my failure into success by my making mistakes. I hope you can see that any time you feel like a failure that success is just around the corner. For success and failure go hand-in-hand and by making mistakes we are given the power to create success!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


There are all kinds of truths and no one truth is more permanent or real than another. For truths are just beliefs that we hold (either individually or collectively) about our selves and the world around us. They have been reinforced over time through the thoughts we continue to have which creates the illusion of permanency.

But truths are created, not static and therefore can't remain unchanging. They are forever evolving as we ourselves grow and expand. Therefore the truths we hold today may not be our truths tomorrow. And since we are the creators of our truths and get to live them everyday, the question is are your current truths serving you?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


All people are unique and as such we have our own minds, hearts, bodies, and individual journeys. Because of this, people may not always behave the way we expect which can be difficult at times to accept. But the highest expression of love is to allow others to be who they truly are: No judgments. No expectations. Just freedom to be and live the way they choose.

When we can do this we are in a state of 'allowing'; allowing life to unfold naturally which frees everyone involved to behave and be as they truly are. And in doing so we are granted the same freedom to express our true authentic selves which opens all doors to our greatest potential.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Beauty in Mirrors

We all have innocence and good within us waiting to be seen. We can feel this goodness when we are with someone who mirrors our highest potential back to us. You know you are in the presence of someone who is doing this when you feel alive around them. They make you feel so comfortable that you are free to be your real, authentic self, without judgment. Someone who no matter what, sees you and accepts you just as you are.

This is a real gift that each of us can give another and has the power to change lives. But when we hold judgments towards someone we loose sight of that person’s true essence. These judgments stop us from seeing the good in a person which is inherent in each of us. When this happens, each person is left depleted and the beauty in the mirror has faded.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


From childhood we are continuously developing our consciousness to become more of who we are. We are in a constant state of expansion and letting go; letting go of ideas, understanding, and beliefs to create more space for new & broader perspectives to come in. This is a natural process that is always in play. So why are so many people uncomfortable with change? Maybe because our discomfort is the momentum needed to push us to the next level of awareness. For without constriction (discomfort) there would be no expansion (growth.)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Positive Sensitivity

Often I hear about how people's sensitivities (to either energy or other people) can make life more challenging. This can only be true if there is something within us that is allowing that struggle to come alive. In other words, we are all sensitive in our own way; but to have a reaction to our sensitivity means something within us has been triggered. And when we look at it from this perspective, there is nothing outside of us to blame for our distress.

This is such a strange concept for many people to grasp (especially for those sensitive people who have been programmed to believe that their sensitivity is a weakness.) But the very opposite is true; our sensitivity is a source of power because it can bring forth information about our surroundings plus be a wonderful mirror of what is happening within.

So the key to using your sensitivity as a source of power is to recognize that everything starts from within and ripples out (not the other way around.) And that our sensitivity is meant to empower us not drain us. From this perspective we can shift from a place of 'reacting' to our environment to being responsive!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Thoughts on Forgiveness...

Forgiveness is an act of kindness that we may extend to ourselves or another. Yet it may be one of the hardest lessons we have to learn, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. It requires great strength, understanding, compassion and patience. It is a state of complete acceptance of ‘what is’ and transmutation of any previous judgments or fears.

It is also the transcendence of any self-judgment through forgiveness for oneself. We are all here to learn forgiveness. To do so, there has to be something within our lives to forgive and this is not always easy. But to truly forgive another, we have to forgive ourselves. For forgiveness is not about freeing us from being judged, it’s about freeing the judgment from us so that we can be free!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


No one can deny you anything. You can only do that to yourself. But this is because you don’t fully see the power that is in you just waiting to be discovered. The same creative energy that builds mountains is within you - whether you are aware of it or not. There is nothing you can’t have or achieve if you only believed it were so. In fact, there is nothing lacking in you at all except awareness!

All parts of the mind want to be fully witnessed and integrated back into wholeness. This includes both the conscious and unconscious beliefs. Since the unconscious beliefs are hidden, every time we bring awareness to the unconscious mind we are moving one step closer to wholeness. Then the energy stored within the unconscious mind can be freed up to create that of which you truly want. It’s like a chemical reaction; when the unconscious and conscious beliefs meld into one, energy is freed up to create.

Let me give you an example: Say you have a conscious intention to manifest a new job that inspires & motivates you. At first you feel enthusiasm and encouragement about the upcoming change. But unconsciously you believe that it is impossible to make a living in a job that you love. Since the unconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind you soon give up on the idea before it has even arrived.

The end result is you are left feeling discouraged and defeated about your creative abilities. A stalemate of energy between the conscious and unconscious has just blocked your creative flow. In essence what you have done is moved your energy farther away from that of which you intended because of your unconscious beliefs. You have just ‘reconfirmed’ to your unconscious mind that you cannot have that new, inspiring job. And through the Law of Attraction, what you believe you achieve!

This is called a “vibrational contradiction” where you intend for one thing but attract another. The blocked energy needed to create is not available for use which inhibits the flow of creation. But if you had a tool to bring the unconscious beliefs back into alignment with the conscious intentions, you would then have the power to manifest anything you want. That very tool is awareness and it holds the key to creative freedom.

So if awareness is the key and the unconscious mind are those beliefs not yet witnessed, than it only makes sense to explore the unconscious mind and reveal the hidden gems within. Then the limiting, self-defeating beliefs no longer have the power to block your creative potential.

An inspiring quote by John O’Donohue captures the power of witnessing: “One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.” This is because when someone encourages us they see in us something we cannot – our untapped potential. It’s like they shine a flashlight on our creative potential and witness for us what we have yet to witness in ourselves. The result is nothing short of miraculous!

So if you are feeling discouraged or unenthusiastic in life it is only your beliefs that are in your way and awareness is your key! BreakThrough and BMC are powerful tools that help shine that light of awareness on your unconscious mind. And in doing so, you will begin to feel the freedom and passion that comes from exploring your untapped potential!

May you find the power within to create the life you really wish to have.


To book your private phone session today contact Angela at http://www.bodymindconnection.ca/.