Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Love Flows...

Love is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It has the ability to transform any pain or suffering back into wholeness and love. It is the very energy that sustains and binds all and is found everywhere within the Universe.

We all want to be loved by this great force and to allow it to work its magic in our lives. The problem is that we are conditioned to believe that we are separate from love and we need to seek it outside of ourselves to be whole. But the very opposite is true; love is our Source and it nourishes us by flowing through us, not to us. We’ve all heard the saying that we cannot truly love another until we love ourselves and this is an example of why.

If you have a need to receive love from another in order to feel love within, than you will be left feeling disappointed, let down and deeply unhappy. Our emotional love tanks will run dry because the very ‘need’ is the energetic block to giving and receiving love. Then any built up resentments can start to fester and eventually destroy connections between people. The end result is that the ego consciousness strengthens its stand that we are alone, separated, and unlovable. Although the intention may be good (to receive love) the ‘need’ for love creates the illusion that we are separate and alone leaving us feeling disconnected.

Feel the difference for yourself when you unconditionally (and without expectations) give love to another instead of being concerned about receiving love back. The very act of giving love ensures that you WILL be loved! For love HAS to flow through you to be passed on to another. So in the process of giving love you will be filled up with it from the inside out. If practiced daily, you will never ‘need’ for love again.

This is why when we first fall in love it is so magical. In the beginning, it is much easier to give love freely when we have not yet been hurt, disappointed or let down by another. When unconditionally giving, love energy flows through us and raises our energy vibrations to such a level that we are left feeling high as a kite. But then, under the spell of the ego, we may eventually start to fall asleep and that’s when things can fall apart. The ego will seek confirmation that we are separate and pull us away from our Source. Then what was once an expression of love will turn into a power struggle for energy.

Conscious awareness can free us from this painful pattern. This means we are able to witness what is unfolding while at the same time remaining connected to our Source. It is a level of awareness that fosters growth, expansion and deep love. But it demands of us to take full responsible for our own words, actions, & intentions and to shift from a place of being ‘reactive’ in life to being responsive.

It takes a highly conscious individual however to remain connected to Source through the difficult and challenging times in life. It is so much easier to stay connected when we feel good and things are flowing effortlessly. But if we can master the art of staying awake in spite of any discomfort we may be feeling, then we can remain connected to our Source no matter what is unfolding around us.

Highly conscious individuals see the opportunity for growth in any life experience that may presents itself. They recognize that we are never victims in life and instead are powerful beings here to experience growth and expansion everyday. But the minute we require or need something outside of ourselves we step out of the flow of love by dropping our energy frequencies and disconnecting from our Source.

So practice everyday giving love unconditionally and see what unfolds in your life. Set intentions to allow this loving force to move through you as an expression of who you really are as you interact in the world. You can even ask for the Universe to nudge you the second you split out from your Source so that you can consciously pull yourself back in. Little by little, this will become such a natural way of being that as soon as you disconnect from Source you will have instant awareness of the fact.

Life is good and life is supposed to feel good for ALL of us. And the power to have this experience starts within! So stay connected to your Source and give freely of your love and you will see evidence of this in your everyday life.


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