Tuesday, May 19, 2009


No one can deny you anything. You can only do that to yourself. But this is because you don’t fully see the power that is in you just waiting to be discovered. The same creative energy that builds mountains is within you - whether you are aware of it or not. There is nothing you can’t have or achieve if you only believed it were so. In fact, there is nothing lacking in you at all except awareness!

All parts of the mind want to be fully witnessed and integrated back into wholeness. This includes both the conscious and unconscious beliefs. Since the unconscious beliefs are hidden, every time we bring awareness to the unconscious mind we are moving one step closer to wholeness. Then the energy stored within the unconscious mind can be freed up to create that of which you truly want. It’s like a chemical reaction; when the unconscious and conscious beliefs meld into one, energy is freed up to create.

Let me give you an example: Say you have a conscious intention to manifest a new job that inspires & motivates you. At first you feel enthusiasm and encouragement about the upcoming change. But unconsciously you believe that it is impossible to make a living in a job that you love. Since the unconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind you soon give up on the idea before it has even arrived.

The end result is you are left feeling discouraged and defeated about your creative abilities. A stalemate of energy between the conscious and unconscious has just blocked your creative flow. In essence what you have done is moved your energy farther away from that of which you intended because of your unconscious beliefs. You have just ‘reconfirmed’ to your unconscious mind that you cannot have that new, inspiring job. And through the Law of Attraction, what you believe you achieve!

This is called a “vibrational contradiction” where you intend for one thing but attract another. The blocked energy needed to create is not available for use which inhibits the flow of creation. But if you had a tool to bring the unconscious beliefs back into alignment with the conscious intentions, you would then have the power to manifest anything you want. That very tool is awareness and it holds the key to creative freedom.

So if awareness is the key and the unconscious mind are those beliefs not yet witnessed, than it only makes sense to explore the unconscious mind and reveal the hidden gems within. Then the limiting, self-defeating beliefs no longer have the power to block your creative potential.

An inspiring quote by John O’Donohue captures the power of witnessing: “One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.” This is because when someone encourages us they see in us something we cannot – our untapped potential. It’s like they shine a flashlight on our creative potential and witness for us what we have yet to witness in ourselves. The result is nothing short of miraculous!

So if you are feeling discouraged or unenthusiastic in life it is only your beliefs that are in your way and awareness is your key! BreakThrough and BMC are powerful tools that help shine that light of awareness on your unconscious mind. And in doing so, you will begin to feel the freedom and passion that comes from exploring your untapped potential!

May you find the power within to create the life you really wish to have.


To book your private phone session today contact Angela at http://www.bodymindconnection.ca/.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela, I just found my way to your blog and so agree about the importance of encouragement! While reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron a few years ago, I came across the term "believing mirrors".

    Julia says that we all need people around us who see the beauty of our potential and believe in our capability. We need people who understand that the ultimate purpose of life is to flourish and fully display our unique magnificence. We need to see our highest self reflected in the eyes of someone who has faith in us. Julia Cameron calls such people "believing mirrors."

    And yes, you have been one of my believing mirrors Angela!
