Friday, May 22, 2009

Positive Sensitivity

Often I hear about how people's sensitivities (to either energy or other people) can make life more challenging. This can only be true if there is something within us that is allowing that struggle to come alive. In other words, we are all sensitive in our own way; but to have a reaction to our sensitivity means something within us has been triggered. And when we look at it from this perspective, there is nothing outside of us to blame for our distress.

This is such a strange concept for many people to grasp (especially for those sensitive people who have been programmed to believe that their sensitivity is a weakness.) But the very opposite is true; our sensitivity is a source of power because it can bring forth information about our surroundings plus be a wonderful mirror of what is happening within.

So the key to using your sensitivity as a source of power is to recognize that everything starts from within and ripples out (not the other way around.) And that our sensitivity is meant to empower us not drain us. From this perspective we can shift from a place of 'reacting' to our environment to being responsive!

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