Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Strong Willed Children!

Willpower and fears co-exist and our kidneys are responsible for keeping these two opposing energies in balance. The kidneys are housed in the low back and provide us with vital life force energy. Part of the kidney meridian runs from the kidneys up through the core of the body and ends in the inner ear. A division also runs from the kidneys down the leg, wraps around the knee and ends in the foot.

A classic example of the relationship between willpower and fears can be seen in a small child. A child who is learning how to assert their own power may lock their knees in defiance when being asked to do something opposing to their own desires. In this scenario, the child is learning to assert their willpower in the only way they know how. And since the kidney meridian wraps around the knees, it is no coincidence that the knees are the joints involved during willpower versus fear expression. Fascinating!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Power of Emotions!

When an emotional charge is connected to a particular event, we are more likely to absorb the energy of the experience into our system. Our chakras & energy systems act as memory banks that “…code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies.” (David Feinstein, PhD.) Once imprinted, these energies stay with us until they are freed from our bodymind.

For example, when we experience a fearful event an energetic reaction ripples throughout the body system. Fears are considered cold producing emotions that lower our energy frequencies. Since the energies lower, they can cause imbalances in the lower chakras and their associated structures. In this particular example, the bladder and kidneys may be affected. From an eastern healing perspective, the kidneys are considered our internal heating system and are analogous to a furnace. Physically we may sense this energy imbalance as cold feet and a drop in body temperature. To compensate, the kidneys may increase frequency of urination to rid the body of the lower energies (fear).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Joy Creates Harmony!

Did you know that with every beat of your heart energy pulsations ripple throughout your body like radio waves? With each heart beat information is pumped to every cell in your body about the level of harmony or disharmony you are currently experiencing.

Our natural state is harmony. Joy creates harmony and harmony neutralizes all excess. Thus the heart is very powerful in maintaining health and balance by regulating excess within our bodymind. So by simply allowing yourself to find Joy within everything you see, feel and experience you hold the power to shift any disharmony back to your natural state of harmony.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Shining the Light of Goodness!

We’ve all heard the saying that some people can bring out the worst or the best in us, depending on who they are. As well, what might initially be character traits that attract us to an individual can soon turn into what annoys us most about them!

This happens because in the beginning it is easy to shine the light of goodness on someone when we have no disappointments or judgments. But over time, through broken expectations & numerous disappointments we start to shine the light of judgment upon them instead. The end result is that we loose the feeling of being uplifted when we think about that individual.

Shining the light of goodness for others is easily demonstrated with children. For some reason, it is more natural to hold children in the light of innocence. This is why, as parents, children can seem to do no wrong and they are able to hold their children in the highest of esteem. In some cases, a parent continues to hold this light for their children in spite of them maturing into an adult.

But why can’t we hold this same space for others? Why is it so incredibly hard to shine that same light on everyone in our lives?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Power of Mistakes

When I was a young child I learned about the power of making mistakes first hand. In my elementary school, grade 2 was a pivotal year for assessing reading skills. Any child that did not pass the set requirements would be held back another year. Unfortunately my home environment was not conducive to learning or reading. As a result I did not succeed in passing my assessment test which resulted in me failing grade 2.

I remember that day like it was yesterday; my father came into my room to tell me that I had failed which meant I would not be able to move forward with the rest of my classmates. I started to cry. I felt like I had let my father down and that I was the biggest failure of all. I felt so alone and somehow deficient.

I hated that feeling and I wanted to change it any way that I could. I desperately wanted to make my father proud by proving to him that I could be smart. So that summer I spent my days teaching myself how to read more proficiently; I opened up a library account and signed out as many books as I could. I read and read until I could read no more. The more I read the more I loved it and before I knew it I started to feel ‘smart’ again.

When I returned to grade 2 my teachers were astounded at how well I could read. They contacted my parents and offered to move me forward into grade 3 with the rest of my classmates. But my parents declined and said it would be too confusing for me and to just keep me where I was at.

I am so grateful that they did because from that day on I became an honor roll student in everything I studied. I went on to excel not only in grade school but also in my post secondary studies. I learned to become a practical learner and as such I needed to be okay with making mistakes. There was no room for perfectionism because the very act of making mistakes was where I found my success.

So you see by failing grade 2 I learned how to turn my failure into success by my making mistakes. I hope you can see that any time you feel like a failure that success is just around the corner. For success and failure go hand-in-hand and by making mistakes we are given the power to create success!